Stereology Software

History. The Plentzia Marine Station Pi. E UPVEHU is the University of the Basque Countrys UPVEHU marine research infrastructure, established in July 2. It is placed in the refurbished building constructed one century ago to fight against tuberculosis and bone disease and it is place only 1. Campus. With the common effort of the local Biscay Provincial Government and UPVEHU it remains in the XXI century as a centre to promote research, education and dissemination for the protection of both ocean and human healthwealth and at promoting environmental science, technology and awareness. Pi. E UPVEHU is small but wide scoped, well defined but flexible, ad hoc designed for its purposes but modular, with strict controls necessary for excellence but wide windows open towards people, and homeland rooted but open to globe. Mission and Research. Pi. E UPVEHU houses 1. Stereo Investigator, the mostcited stereology software, fully integrates with your microscope and comes with helpful technical and research support. Visiopharm contributes to the succesful development of new drugs, by realizing the full potential of quantitative image analysis in drug discovery and development. The novel compound PBT434 prevents iron mediated neurodegeneration and alphasynuclein toxicity in multiple models of Parkinsons disease. Representative in India for Olympus microscopes, imaging devices, software, and other scientific instruments. Advertise on the STP website to reach your target audience effectively and economically Current Postings. The Iowa Virtual Slidebox is an open access collection of virtual slides whole slide images for teaching histology and histopathology. There are over 1,000 high. Retrouvez toutes les discothque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soires en discothque Marseille. Research is focused, first, upon conducting high quality experimentation under controlled lab and field conditions second, upon studying phenomena in the areas of cell and molecular biology, genetics, physiology, toxicology, stress biology and systems biology and, finally, upon applying advanced methodologies of experimentation with marine organisms, in vitro assays, omics, cryotechnology, spectroscopy, microscopy, image analysis and data treatment. Marine ecosystems and biota are reckoned as patients, so that its major goals are the development of early warning strategies, the application of non invasive techniques, and the understanding of the mechanisms underneath the environmental syndromes. On the other hand, perceiving the Ocean as a potential source of health and wealth for our XXI centurys society the alma mater of Pi. E UPVEHU is Healthy marine ecosystems support human well being Oceans are source of human health resources. Marine Services  Provision of Biological resources and culture collections Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank BBEBB frozen and paraffin embedded samples, histological sections and shellotolith bank. Microalgae collection. Collection of specimens from ecosystems in Basque coast and estuaries. Animal models. Polychaetes Hediste diversicolor. Bivalves Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, Crassostrea sp. Gastropods Littorina littorea. Copepods Acartia clausi, Acartia tonsa. Teleosts Chelon labrosus, Scopththalmus maximus, Dicentrarchus labrax, Anguilla anguilla, Sparus aurata, Solea sp., tunids, Access to ecosystems Zodiac boat 4,5 m for coastal sampling. Fully equipped mobile laboratory and 4x. Access to offshore ichthyofauna through the local commercial fleet. Animal caging in estuaries. SCUBA diving upon request. Technology platforms Molecular biology and omis technologies transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics. Microscopy and bio imaging advanced lightfluorescence microscopy and high resolution slide scanning platform. Expertise in image analysis, stereology and planimetry. Environmental Bio. IMOD_3dmod_main_interface_screenshot.png' alt='Stereology Software' title='Stereology Software' />Banking cryo preparation laboratory, cryogenic storage room, freeze drying, tissue biopsies, DNA, RNA and homogenates, mineralised tissue shell, otolith and Archival Management Unit. Immunology PL3 biosafety facility 1. L aquaria Toxicology zebrafish research facility, experimental marine aquaria. Biological analysis histological processing, biochemistry, vertebrate and invertebrate cell culture microbiology Secondary metabolites and xenobiotics Quadropole Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer, preparatory analytical chemistry complemented with fully accessible advanced chemical analysis service at Campus. Experimental facilities. Experimental aquaria Quarantine Room Toxic Algae room PL2 Room PL3 Biosafety Cabinet Fish Embryo Toxicity Testing Unit Microscale Toxicity Testing Room Three rooms with different capacity aquaria 1. Outdoor mesocosms 2 units of 2. Vigilante 8 Game Pc. All aquaria facilities provided with independently regulated photoperiod and temperature except mesocosms, high quality seawater 3. Lday and air supply. Brain volume and MRI Government Funded Research Department may develop a library of image processing algorithms or measurement techniques e. Statistical. Flow through, static or semistatic water supply systems for experimentation with toxicants. WetDry facilities. Dissection room and two equipped multiuse laboratories for visiting scientists. Fish rearing facilities. Invertebrate and Fish Nurseries. Training and education Pi. E UPVEHU houses three master degrees and 2 Ph. D programs. UPVEHU official master and Ph. D Program in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology http www. Erasmus Mundus Master in Marine Environment and Resources MER, coordinator Pi. E UPVEHU http merconsortium. Ph. D program. Erasmus International Master in Marine Biological Resources Imbr. Sea, coordinator Ghent University http www. Training course in Scientific diving. International postgraduate courses. Summer schools. Research internships. E infrastructures and associated services. Access to transcriptomic data on responses to chemical exposure for Chelon labrosus, Anguilla anguilla, Mytilus galloprovincialis. Supporting facilities Lecture theatres, conference auditorium, seminar room Office space for technicians, master and Ph. D students and researchers. On site dining room for 1. Access to sequencing including NGS, microarray analysis, advanced analytical chemistry and supercomputing available at the main UPVEHU Campus 1. SGIker UPVEHU as internal users. Easy connection to Bilbao subway and to the world 2.